We can help you make your products and services accessible for people with disabilities.

Approximately 80 million people in Europe – or one in six – have a disability

million Europeans have a hearing impairment [1]

million Europeans use a wheelchair [2]

million Europeans have a visual impairment [3]

Sozialhelden brings in the perspective of people with disabilities.

We offer the following:

We have worked together successfully with these businesses:


[1] https://www.hear-it.org/hearing-loss-in-europe

[2] https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/alleine-1-6-millionen-rollstuhlfahrer-in-deutschland.954.de.html?dram:article_id=146698

[3] http://www.euroblind.org/about-blindness-and-partial-sight/facts-and-figures